

Vendredi 11 novembre 2011

So, now that you’re on Deathwish Inc and your album came out a couple of months ago, what are the advantages of being on a « big » label such as Deathwish Inc ?

Well, they helped us enormously to get the album out there before the summer even though we only had our first contact mid-January (I think). They also take care of the worldwide distribution of the album, and through them we get offered a lot more opportunities than before that. But really, personally speaking, the greatest thing is to know that a label with such a great bandroster actually feels that we should be a part of that roster. It’s more than we could have ever hoped for, really.

One particularity of Oathbreaker

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is the fact your singer is a girl. Have you ever used this fact for promoting the band and catch attention ?

Actually, I hope not. I know that having a female singer attracts a little extra attention but we try not to put too much attention on that. It may be out of the ordinary, but regardless of gender, I hope that people appreciate Caro more as a singer who happens to be a woman. We’ve gotten offers for shows that focus on the female aspect, but we’d rather not play those. It’s a coincidence, not some big strategy.

Is it Caro’s hair on the Maelstrom cover ?

Yes, it is. It was an idea from the guys at WeBecameAware who did the artwork to use high-resolution images of Caro’s hair for the artwork.

We can hear Caro’s clear voice on the song “Maelstrom” at the end of the album. Does she plan to sing more in the new tracks, like mixing shouting and singing ?

That will depend on the songs. We’re definitely trying out new things all the time, to see where we can take it musically but we’re not planning anything. Whatever works best for the music we’re making.

As you share your guitar player with Amen Ra
Amen Ra

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, Oathbreaker

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is sometimes introduced as a “Amen Ra
Amen Ra

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side project” though Oathbreaker

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existed before Lennart joined Amen Ra. Doesn’t it bother you ?

No, not really. It’s a logical conclusion for people since Amen Ra has been around longer and more well-known. It can only help to give people an idea how we sound, so that’s cool. And we’re all part of a bigger scene that is doing really well right now, so it’d be stupid not to join forces.

You played a ton of shows in the dutch-speaking part of Belgium but almost never in Wallonia. We can tell the same about most Flemish bands. Come on, let’s find a solution for this. How come ? Is it just a matter of languages ?

Really, I have no idea. We’ve played Wallonie already a couple of times. We’ve played Messancy a couple of times, we’ve played Brussels before, we regularly share the stage with Daggers

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, and now we’re doing this show in Liège. I wouldn’t mind playing Wallonie more, it’s just that we don’t get asked a lot I guess.

American label... you must be planning an American tour with them, right ?

No plans yet, but if the opportunity comes along for a cool tour in the US we won’t miss it.

You often play with the same bands (your labelmates Rise And Fall
Rise And Fall

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, Hessian

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...). Don’t you sometimes think “Fuck that, we don’t wanna play that show again and again” ?

Haven't really thought about that. If people want to book us on the same shows a lot, that’s cool by me. And they’re all great bands and friends of ours, so the hang-out's great too.

Pure fantasy here. If Oathbreaker

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splits today, what would be the reason ?

Ha, don’t know. We’ll split up one day, and I guess it’ll be the day when we can’t combine it any longer with other things or if we feel we don’t have any songs left to make. I really don’t know, it’d be a real shame to split up now. We get along great, people like what we do and we’re all confident we still can write some great music together.

I read a lot of reviews of Maelstrom and all critics are really positive towards the album. Does it put pressure on you for your next album ?

Hmm, I think we put enough pressure on ourselves already to constantly do better, that we can’t even begin to think about what other people might expect. We’re our own worst critic, believe me.

Talking about your next album, are you already planning something ?

No, we never plan anything. We’ve started to play around with ideas, but that’s it for now. It’ll come when it comes.

2011 was a very important year for Oathbreaker

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. What do you expect for 2012 ?

To play out more, do some cool touring, write some new songs perhaps. 2011 already was pretty crazy for us, so let’s try to continue that.
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Rescapé de la scène hardcore underground de la fin des années 90, Erik a lancé Shoot Me Again en 2004 avec Julien, un autre gamin hyperactif de l'...
Rescapé de la scène hardcore underground de la fin des années 90, Erik a lancé Shoot Me Again en 2004 avec Julien, un autre gamin hyperactif de l'époque. Ecumant à eux deux les salles les plus improbables lors du lancement de ce webzine, ils se sont rapidement entourés d'autres camarades de jeu pour renforcer l'équipe. Aujourd'hui concentr...
Rescapé de la scène hardcore underground de la fin des années 90, Erik a lancé Shoot Me Again en 2004 avec Julien, un autre gamin hyperactif de l'époque. Ecumant à eux deux les salles les plus improbables lors du lancement de ce webzine, ils se sont rapidement entourés d'autres camarades de jeu pour renforcer l'équipe. Aujourd'hui concentré sur le développement du site, il est moins présent sur le front. ...
Rescapé de la scène hardcore underground de la fin des années 90, Erik a lancé Shoot Me Again en 2004 avec Julien, un autre gamin hyperactif de l'époque. Ecumant à eux deux les salles les plus improbables lors du lancement de ce webzine, ils se sont rapidement entourés d'autres camarades de jeu pour renforcer l'équipe. Aujourd'hui concentré sur le développement du site, il est moins présent sur le front. ...
Rescapé de la scène hardcore underground de la fin des années 90, Erik a lancé Shoot Me Again en 2004 avec Julien, un autre gamin hyperactif de l'époque. Ecumant à eux deux les salles les plus improbables lors du lancement de ce webzine, ils se sont rapidement entourés d'autres camarades de jeu pour renforcer l'équipe. Aujourd'hui concentré sur le développement du site, il est moins présent sur le front. ...


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