

Mercredi 15 août 2012

How was the show ? Did you enjoy it ? What do you think of the festival ?

Dolk: Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Like I said, it was our third time here in Czech Republic. We've never been to this festival before. So for us it was very cool to be here. We played in Prague once on a tour and at another festival. This was the first time here. It was really really good. I think also this festival needs more black metal to be honest.

© John Gallardo

About your last album, it was the first one recorded without Thomas (other Kampfar

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co-founder who left the band in 2010) but I understand he took part to its writing process. So my question is, for the future material, are there going to be any changes in the musical direction ?

Dolk: That's a hard question to answer. We always try to develop as musicians and always try to push ourselves in one direction. I think with Mare we did that and I think we will continue that. Maybe it won't be that huge differences because Kampfar

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is still Kampfar

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and we try to stick to that. But we are musicians and we always try to push ourselves personally. And so in that way I think maybe the music will get even more extreme. But it's not like we're gonna start start playing a new genre or something, it's the same. Kampfar

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is Kampfar

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. It has been like that for eighteen years now.

Still about the last album, I understand Mare means 'witch' in Norwegian. Can you explain a bit the whole concept of the album and the lyrics ?

Dolk: It's not really a concept but Mare is, not only in Norwegian history but in pagan history in general that has been lost in a way. Back in the old days, people really thought that there was this she-devil or witch which they called Mare, that comes hunting young guys in the middle of the night because of several things they have done in life that are not good. You also see that in European history, the same kind of figure going around. It's really connected to the thing we wanted to create with Mare. The whole concept, if it's a concept, is about women, back in that time, who really believed in something else than Christianity. In Norway there's been so many things going on in history. Nature had all this power. But then the Christianity came and the churches, whatever they didn't understand, they called witchery. To me, it's not witchery, but for them, they just called it witchery and they burned a lot of people, even in Norway. So the whole album is dealing about being strong individuals that believe in themselves, like I want me to be as a person too. It's more connected to the witchery back in the old days which is not witchery in my opinion. People have to make their own mind. It's just another sting to the church.

The band has been quite productive since the release of Kvass in 2006, with three albums released on five years time, so can we now expect a new album every other year ?

Dolk: I hope not ! What we try to do is trying to create music from our hearts and which is honest. And for us it has to be a natural thing. We don't want to set up schedules like in two years we have to do this and in one year we have to create a new album, because I think the whole idea of making music would really disappear then. We have just been into a productive period now, which is good, but Kampfar

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has been for eighteen years ups and downs. We has five years of silence too. We just follow the life in general. Life right now is actually really good so that means you also get more productivity, I think. I don't have a clear answer for that but we are already creating some new stuff but what happens with that, I don't know.

© John Gallardo

You'll be touring this autumn with Helrunar

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and then you're taking part to the Barge to Hell cruise. That's funny to see bands like Kampfar

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and Mayhem

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play on a cruise in Miami. Can you explain how that happened ?

Dolk: I think that's really funny too, to be honest. If you had asked me that question last year, I would have just laughed and thought it's never going to happen. We have two agencies and one record label that demand stuff from us. So it's always a battle between heart and business. There's always business involved. You have agencies, people who really work for you, who really need to live from this. For us it was really strange but also really cool and it was hard to say no to Barge to Hell. We just got the offer, so here we are. We'll see what happens.

I read in another interview you were writing a book about your story. Is it still a current project ?

Dolk: Yeah, it's a project of mine. I put a working period of three years for that book. The news wasn't supposed to come out on the Internet, but I got so many questions over and over again about the same thing and I got tired of it. So I decided I should write a book about this stuff. And then it became more reality and I started to write some stuff for myself. This is something I need to do personally to get it out. I don't want to write the black metal bible or anything. I just want to write about the period that everyone talks about on a different perspective because I was there and a lot of stories that have become this big are really not that big in reality. People who are interested will read it and the rest won't buy it. I will also interview a lot of people, it won't be just my story. It will be the story of a lot of people who were involved in a way and who people didn't think about. But it's not until three years or something. I want to do it really properly.

© John Gallardo

What are the future plans for Kampfar

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Dolk: It's also quite hard to tell because we don't put up a schedule. We just follow the flow. And sometimes you get into an active period and you create something in just a few hours. Or else you can create something in like four months. We have at least started to work on new stuff. And right now I'm really happy about the situation in life and in Kampfar

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. It hasn't always been like that because when a band gets more interest, it becomes more like a job. We have to make decisions every day and that can actually destroy a band. Like I said, it's always a mix of feelings and business and it's hard to connect those things all the time. But right now I'm personally at a really good place in life and it feels so good to be in Kampfar

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now. The only thing I can say is that we continue that way. We create stuff, we follow our own lines and don't think about releasing an album every second year. It has to be right.

Anything else you'd like to add ?

Dolk: Not really. Like I said, life is good, life in Kampfar

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is really good. It was very hard for me when Thomas said he was down because I had been playing with him in Kampfar

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for seventeen years. It was hard for me to split that up and continue but now it's all good. I don't want to stop this music because it's in my soul.

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AUTEUR : Elodie
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au déto...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...


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