

Mercredi 5 septembre 2012

Can you introduce the band for people who wouldn't know you yet ?

Jelle: We are SardoniS

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. We are from Genk, Belgium. Roel plays the guitar, I play the drums. We started in 2006 as an instrumental two piece. We have released two albums so far. That's the short history.

© John Gallardo

You released the second album recently...

Jelle: Yes, on 18th June on Hammerheart Records from The Netherlands.

Can you tell me more about it and in what way it's different from the first record ?

Roel: It's a bit more metal. The first one was more like a collection of songs and for the second one, we tried to see it more as a whole. Every song is connected to the other.

© John Gallardo

You started playing gigs in 2008 and since then you've played quite a lot of shows in Belgium and Europe. What are your best memories ?

Jelle: I think the best memory is when we played in Greece in Athens and in Thessaloniki. We were there for four days and played two shows. The people were really warm. After a show, people in Belgium sometimes come to us and say "Hey man, it was cool !" but in Greece, they hug you. Giant Greek men come and hug you and thank you for coming to their country.

So you like it when big men hug you.

Jelle: Yeah, I like that a lot !

You play instrumental music. How do you decide of the titles of your songs ?

Roel: We just create a song and afterwards we discuss it. We talk about potential song titles. It's just the feeling that we get when we hear the song.
Jelle: Giving the song a name often takes more time than writing the song. We can discuss about it for months.

© John Gallardo

You'll soon be touring in Japan. How did that happen ?

Jelle: I had a record label and in 2008 I think I released a 10-inch from a Japanese band called Eternal Elysium. They have an American bass player, Tana. We got in contact, we emailed a lot and they were on tour two years back with Place of Skulls so we went to see them. There was a very good click between us and we just asked if it would be possible to go to Japan and play some gigs. They were very into that so we started emailing and voilà. We'll leave on 4th October and play seven gigs in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, some big cities but also some smaller cities and also a festival in the mountains. It should be really fun.

Who would you dream to tour with in the future ?

Roel: I don't think we would say no to High on Fire
High on Fire

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Jelle: Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath

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Do you have any defined plans after Japan ?

Roel: I think we're gonna start writing some new stuff in early 2013 and then we'll see what happens.
Jelle: 2012 is really hectic for us. We did a tour with Acid King
Acid King

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in June, and we played three gigs with Saint Vitus
Saint Vitus

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in the UK, we released a split 7-inch, the second album, a split 10-inch. We're touring in Japan in October. It's enough for 2012. There is nothing scheduled for 2013. We'll probably leave it that way, just writing some songs.

Is there anything else you'd like to say ?

Jelle: We'd like to thank all the people from Shoot Me Again for the support over the last years. Also we have a new website up, so check it out : And hope to see you someday on the road.
Roel: There is a CD release party on 19th September at Sojo in Leuven with Ramesses

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Jelle: So come and join the Brotherhood !

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AUTEUR : Elodie
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au déto...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...


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