

Jeudi 14 mars 2013

Hi ! How's the tour going ?

V'gandr : Hello ! Good, very good actually. A lot of people, sold out yesterday, good shows. Everything works out perfectly. So no complaints at all.

If I'm not mistaken, it's the first time you play in Belgium.

V'gandr : No, we played here before, in this city.

I thought so, because on all the previous tours you didn't stop here. Was there a reason for that ?

V'gandr : No I don't know. It's not me who books the shows so ask the booking agency. I don't know why. We have played in Belgium, but I think it's a while ago.

© ChamO

Let's come back to the start of the band. You started in the early nineties...

V'gandr : Yeah, 1992.

Other bands that started at the same place and time have become huge, while Helheim has stayed less famous. Is it because you didn't burn any churches back then ?

V'gandr : Well we didn't do that but I don't know actually. We had a lot of label problems a few years ago. I don't know why. Maybe our own fault, I don't know. It's how it is but we're comfortable with the situation anyway.

When you started the band, did you think it would still be around twenty years later ?

V'gandr : I really didn't think that far ahead. I had no idea.

What was the plan ? You were really young I guess.

V'gandr : Yes we were really young. We just wanted to make music basically. Me and Tom, the guitarist and vocalist, we played in our projects for many years before that but we've always wanted to have a band so we found a drummer and there we went. We just started making our own music. We couldn't even play, we were shit. But we kept on going and there we are.

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Your last album, Heiðindómr ok Mótgangr, was released almost two years ago.

V'gandr : Is it that long ago ? Maybe it is yes.

Are there plans for a new one ?

V'gandr : Oh yeah ! Hopefully this year. We'll definitely record it this year but if it will come out this year, I don't know. We have to make a plan with the label and see when it fits for them to release it. But we will release a mini-album first, Åsgårds Fall Part II, and then the full-length afterwards.

Any plans for a video also ?

V'gandr : Hopefully. We'll try to do the same as last time. But we haven't had any plans about a video yet. We just talked about it a little bit but it would be nice. But no actual plans so we just have to wait and see.

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On the last releases there are songs called Helheim, each one with a number from 1 to 8, with Helheim 8 on the last album. What happens after Helheim 9 ?

V'gandr : Nothing ! Then it's finished. There are only nine parts so this will be the last part actually. No more Helheim parts after that. The band will continue but not the Helheim parts.

There were some guest vocals on previous releases. Will you invite anyone on the next album ?

V'gandr : Yes, there's definitely going to be some guests. We know one who will appear. He has been doing a few live shows with us in Norway. He did vocals on the Åsgårds Fall song and he will definitely join us on the album. Apart from that, we don't have any plans for who else can be on the album. But I guess there will be some guest vocalists this time as well. We like to work with people outside the metal business to have a different view on the music if you know what I mean. It's nice to work with people who don't have much experience with metal because they can have another input to the whole thing. We will continue doing that. There won't be metal persons involved, only guys from other kinds of music.

My last question : you're not wearing it right now, but why the chainmails ?

V'gandr : We just wanted to have an outfit. When playing live, I think the visual aspect of it all is really important. For us it's not about trying to present ourselves as vikings, it's more about a kind of protection and also an armour towards people and also against. So it's more personal than trying to represent vikings. We don't think about that.

Isn't it too heavy to wear on stage ?

V'gandr : No, it's not that heavy. Ten-eleven kilos, but you don't notice it. It's like, when you put it on, you're getting into a certain mood. That's the important thing about it. When you put it on, you get into a character. So it's a good weight if you know what I mean. When you have it on, you know you're ready.

Do you have anything else you'd like to say ?

V'gandr : Erm... I have nothing to say today actually ! I'm fucked up. (laughter)

© ChamO
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AUTEUR : Elodie
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au déto...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...
Liégeoise immigrée dans la capitale, Elodie a rejoint l'équipe en 2012 et s'est rapidement imposée comme une rédactrice compulsive en alimentant abondamment la section 'News' tout au long de la journée. Plus intéressée par la musique sombre que par la pop-punk, elle réalise également des interviews d'artistes dans la confidence, au détour d'un backstage ou d'un coin de bar. ...


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