
Our way

Crossfire cult records

Mardi 2 août 2011

A la question, le H8000 est-il mort? La réponse vient très rapidement avec un grand NON!

Après les excellents premiers albums de Golden bullet
Golden bullet

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et d'Headshot

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, c'est au tour de One step beyond de se faire un nom dans scène légendaire de notre plat pays, n'en déplaise à certains grincheux...

Ce premier "full length" commence par l'excellent "This is hardcore" qui, au même titre qu'"Headshot party-squad" de leurs collègues d'Headshot

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a deux, voir trois buts recherchés: vous faire danser, vous faire chanter et vous rappeler l'essence même du terme "hardcore".

S'en suit "Reclaim the bar" et qu'on soit straight edge ou pas (Hey Wulf, een ice-tea alsjeblieft! :), on ressent dans ce titre toute l'influence qu'ont pu avoir des groupes comme Sheer terror
Sheer terror

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ou Blood for blood
Blood for blood

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sur leur musique.

"Nothing to lose" enchaîne avec une grosse surprise et non des moindres, les cinqs joyeux drilles s'étant adjoint les services vocaux de Mad Joe (Wisdom in chains
Wisdom in chains

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, Boxcutter
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, Krutch, Strength for a reason), rien que ça, pour un featuring qui marquera plus que sûrement les mémoires. Le solo de guitare à la fin de ce titre est d'ailleurs très rock'n roll et très plaisant.

Enfin, la plus grosse claque au niveau des lyrics vient de "CCTV", nous rappelant que de plus en plus on cherche à imposer les caméras dans les rues dans l'espoir d'une hypothétique sécurité, en oubliant beaucoup trop facilement les avertissements de Sir Orwel dans "1984".

Un album que je recommande vivement si vous êtes amateurs des influences pré-citées mais aussi d'un vieux Cocksparrer

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ou d'un Cockney reject.

L'artwork a été réalisé par Scott Move et il vaut déjà à lui seul le détour!

Pour les plus anglophones d'entre-vous, voici d'ailleurs les explications du groupe concernant leurs lyrics, n'hésitez pas à aller les voir en live, l'ambiance et la fête sont assurés:

One Step Beyond – Our Way MCD (song explanation)

1) This is Hardcore – title explains it all actually. We play hardcore music and the crowd make the show. We don’t care who you are, where you’re from what’s your past,… Just come to the show and have a good time. You pay for the show so dance, sing,… without all of that it would just be heavy music and a boring night out

2) Reclaiming the bar – This is a bit of a mockery to all the tough guys shouting reclaiming the crown, hood and blablalbla They can have all of that but the bar is ours and yours to share. And you don’t have to drink booze to be there

3) Nothing To Lose – Going all out on a crazy night. Don’t think too much about tomorrow, enjoy yourself. We don’t have much in this world so we all seek for something to forget about it for a moment. And that’s the hardcore show where we meet common people and get away from the everyday struggle.

4) CCTV – there’s more and more police and camera’s on the streets for our security. They see or hear when you swear, don’t walk the right path, cross a red light, have a smoke, drink a beer in the park on a warm day,… but never do they see who’s committing a crime, people get murdered over an ipod, cigarette, get beaten to pulp over silly arguments, get raped… So where’s our promised security? You can play real life big brother but a camera won’t stop a bullet or a knife. Goverments and police should get their priorities straight

5) Our Way – To us hardcore is about being yourself, do what you want with respect for others. There’s no need for tough guy crews and everyone looking the same or your just walking the line as everyone in our society. There are also more and more big events in hardcore, and ok nothing wrong with bands reaching a big audience but everything gets too much commercialized and young kids only go to big expensive festivals. There’s no need for that to have a good time. Some bands, some friends and a place is enough, doesn’t have to be a big fancy venue or festival where you pay over the odds.

6) OSB – it’s a bit like Our Way. We are One Step Beyond and it’s ok if you don’t like our face, attitude or music. We’ll just continue to do what WE like. If you like what we do it’s better offcourse. Also we may not have lyrics about the typical “hardcore” stuff but to me most of those topics are common sense and not necessarily “hardcore”. Every one can shout to save our environment, animals, respect,… But what is it worth if you’re just singing it because then you’re “hardcore”. Quite some people look a bit down on us because we don’t use the typical slogans or such but isn’t it hardcore to just sing about what you’re about instead of copy what millions did before you? We don’t want to be a copycat and shout the same thing bands did before us. Doesn’t mean we don’t respect those topics or are not socially aware. We are very conscious about our society and there will be more socially critic lyrics in the future but I won’t be repeating what others said, I’ll voice my own opinion and not everyone may agree or applaud me but these songs are stories about our lives and not someone else.

7) Get Down – just a feel good song. Have a good night out with friends and don’t watch the clock. If the show is done, then stay for a while meet people have a good time. Many shows we played ended up in us being part of the last group at the venue/bar. And those moments are some of the best we had. Nothing more fun to talk, have a drink (doesn’t have to be booze) with friends after a show instead of going to sleep at 10PM on a Saturday night because the show is done. Also the shows are nothing without the crowd having fun so don’t stand there acting tough, have a lough, have a dance, even romance a bit with a girl (or boy) and make your time worhtwile.

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