Erreur lors de l'ex�cution de la requ�te select idband, bandname, groupe.slug as 'slug', idmedia, cat, titre, newurl, media.slug as 'videoslug', date, descr, image, width, height, exclu, user, visits, iduser, login, presentation from media, groupe where groupe=idband and idmedia=7302 Erreur. Message : Unknown column 'iduser' in 'field list' VIDEO : - | Shoot Me Again Webzine.
URL : API URL :|7f51b20e2f61d883164b12276c50cec6 ERROR: Invalid Json...
get Google+ count
URL : API URL : ERROR: Invalid Json...
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Erreur lors de l'ex�cution de la requ�te select idreview, band, review_slug, date, split, releas, titre, texte, slug, idband, bandname, reviewer, cover, count_review, login from band_reviews, reviews, users, groupe where reviewart<>4 and releas=idreview and band= and reviewer=iduser and band=idband and idreview<>0 and band<>515 and reviewonline=1 order by idreview desc limit 5 Erreur. Message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and reviewer=iduser and band=idband and idreview<>0 and band<>515 and reviewonli' at line 1
Erreur lors de l'ex�cution de la requ�te select idinterview, band, bandname, baseline, slug, login, count_interview, date, texte from interviews, users, groupe where band= and interviewer=iduser and band=idband and idinterview<>0 order by idinterview desc limit 5 Erreur. Message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and interviewer=iduser and band=idband and idinterview<>0 order by idinterview d' at line 1